Every day people are turning to social media to learn different things. Some social media that are most often used are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook (now called Meta). The most common social media platform used in my opinion is YouTube because there are thousands of creators on that platform that posts about a variety of things from Math problems to how to fix machines. There is a numerous amount of knowledge a person can learn from social media because there are so many people that use these platforms who have specialized in different areas they go to these platforms to share their knowledge with others. So, using these platforms as an eLearning tool is very beneficial since there is a wide range of knowledge on these platforms. Professors and teachers already use it in day-to-day classrooms to show examples of what they are teaching and to also make the class more engaging to the students. It also appeals to students who may be more visual learners, having a video showing exactly what is needed to be learned may be most helpful to them. Overall, I think using social media as an eLearning tool would be very beneficial especially since it's already being done and it is proven effective.